On-Demand Webinar: Why Some Companies Struggle While Others Succeed


96% of companies never cross the $1M annual revenue mark. Many companies of all sizes will struggle or fail. But why? Which barriers prevent companies from scaling up or sustaining success, and how can you avoid them?

In this webinar, Bahaa Moukadam, a former Silicon Valley CEO with an extensive track record of success in hyper-growth organizations, shares the three fundamentals barriers to success and scalability. Bahaa illustrates, using real-life case studies, why some companies are destined for breakout success, based on their ability to execute, overcome obstacles, effectively set priorities and make better decisions. Learn how to apply these same practices in your business, as well as which lagging and leading indicators are most useful and common pitfalls to avoid.

You should watch if you’re a business leader with these concerns:

  • I have a great plan, but my company continues to underperform
  • We have more people costing a lot more money
  • We’re always busy, but never have enough time to get everything done
  • I’m struggling to get everyone on the same page and rowing in the right direction
  • I’m concerned about the sustainability of our success
  • We are doing well now and we know we need better foundation to sustain our success

You will learn:

  • The framework for sustainable success
  • 3 execution disciplines
  • 3 fundamental barriers to scalability
  • Best practices for priorities setting and decision making
  • Which lagging and leading indicators to follow
  • Common pitfalls to avoid

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