On-Demand Webinar: Building a Culture of Continuous Growth


As a leader, you’ve likely faced the stress of ever-expanding goals and targets. Every year brings new opportunities to set the bar higher and higher. This leaves some leaders in a constant cycle of asking themselves:

  • Why are my profits down?
  • Why are we missing deadlines/quality standards?
  • Why is morale down and/or turnover high?
  • Why can’t I find good people?
  • When will I get my life back?

However, these questions fail to address the heart of the problem. Often, the problem starts with company culture. The organization isn’t set up to learn and adapt quickly, and knowledge about new learnings isn’t easily shared company-wide.

In this webinar, George Brockman of Radiant Professional Services shares how to solve this problem.

You will learn:

  • How to create a learning-oriented culture in your organization
  • Why learning-oriented organizations are more successful
  • How a few answers to basic questions can lead to better decisions across the board
  • Why a learning culture promotes better teamwork
  • Strategies to solve organizational knowledge-sharing and communications challenges

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