On-Demand Webinar | 4 Stages of Cultural Evolution in the Public Sector

4 Stages of Cultural Evolution in the Public Sector

Establishing a culture within an organization that prioritizes execution can significantly influence outcomes, though it's a process that unfolds over time, not instantaneously. It involves navigating through the four stages of cultural transformation and then embedding the necessary tools to ensure execution becomes ingrained as the norm.

In this webinar, we will explore:

  • Assessing your organization's current phase
  • Implementing effective strategies tailored to each stage
  • Providing five recommendations to cultivate a culture focused on execution and innovation

Watch this webinar recording featuring Joe Krause, Sr. VP of Strategy Consulting, as he delves into the four cultural stages that every organization traverses concerning execution. Identifying your organization's current stage empowers you to enact practical adjustments for enhanced efficiency and attainment.



Senior Vice President of strategy Consulting

Joe Krause, MS, MBA

Over the last decade, Joe has helped organizations execute countless strategic, operation, and project plans. He is deeply committed to empowering teams to achieve successful outcomes through accessible and actionable guidance. Joe holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Seton Hall University, a Master’s of Science in Healthcare Communication from Boston University, and a Master’s in Business Administration with a specialization in Finance from Rutgers University. In addition, he earned a Google Project Management certification in 2022.

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